OLM – Issue 40

ISSUE 40 of OLM Available from 1 OCTOBER 2022: IN ISSUE 40 of OLM. In The upcoming Issue… We examine the finding of the Calvine UFO photograph said by Nick Pope to be one of the “best EVER images” of a purported UAP/UFO taken! We are grateful to Dr David Clarke for the articles andContinue reading “OLM – Issue 40”

OLM issue 39

In This Issue… We examine, ‘Alien Landscapes on Earth’, The so called ‘Jubilee UFO’ sighting, more ‘Big Cat’ reports-one is NOT your usual report. Rob Spearing examines the reports of UFO sightings that resemble the famous ‘Jupiter Patterns’, craft from the Lost in Space TV show. The ‘Skinwalker of Cannock Chase’ makes an appearance, andContinue reading “OLM issue 39”

Highlights: Issue 38 OLM

COMING IN OLM ISSUE 381 JUNE 2022 A Group Close Encounter – A UFO Landing in Wales, February 1997 by Philip Mantle examines Sacha Christie’s enigmatic encounter on a family holiday, “It was about 7-7.30 pm on Saturday night. I was upstairs in the bedroom, I had my bag on the bed in front ofContinue reading “Highlights: Issue 38 OLM”

OLM Conference 2022

The Outer Limits Magazine’s 2022 conference was a long delayed two years in the making due to the global Covid pandemic. The world as we knew it was put on hold for the past two years. It was with great anticipation Chris Evers; owner and founder of Outer Limits Magazine planned and hosted the 2022Continue reading “OLM Conference 2022”

OLM Issue 37 in production

IF YOU HAVEN’T SUBSCRIBED YET WHY NOT…Issue 36 is still available, and you can take advantage of our new subscription rates and save £s…see here: https://chris0597.wixsite.com/olm-mag/subscribeIN ISSUE 36: : ‘Close Contact’ by French colleague and founder of the GETI group. (Group of international field investigators) founded in 1995 and creator of the YouTube channel EBEContinue reading “OLM Issue 37 in production”

1 February 2022 issue of OLM

Coming in the 1 February 2022 issue of OLM (which is available to buy as a standalone copy.) ‘Close Contact’ by French colleague and founder of the GETI group. (Group of international field investigators) founded in 1995 and creator of the YouTube channel EBE TV who is a proficient investigator, author Jose Bouillion relates theContinue reading “1 February 2022 issue of OLM”

Jean Librero:Lumieres Dans La Nuit

I am extremely grateful to my French colleague and friend Jean Librero for the inclusion of my article on Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 sighting over the Cascade Mountains, which many speculated was the captured Nazi jet the Horton H229, in the latest issue of the French publication LDLN (Lumieres Dans La Nuit) September and October issuesContinue reading “Jean Librero:Lumieres Dans La Nuit”

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